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The first thing I tell a new attorney or DOJ representative when they start working in Immigration law is that it’s not easy and it changes from week to week. More so now. Why? Because immigration law falls under administrative law and it’s governed by an agency, not an independent court system. Also, because the current administration has made it their goal to reduce immigration to the United States, meaning more one-sided decisions and regulations that have been issued in the last three years that are anti-immigrant and cruel.

Being an immigration attorney/advocate is hard!

It doesn’t mean I don’t love what I do. It doesn’t mean that getting an immigration benefit is hopeless. It’s not. It just means that the process is just a bit more challenging, and the best thing attorneys and their clients can do is to be patient but also to advocate like crazy!

In the next few weeks I’ll be addressing all the recent changes in immigration law, including the recent decision from the Supreme Court addressing DACA, and how the new proposed asylum regulations will impact work permits and the ability of people seeking asylum to support themselves.

So, stay tuned!